25th August, 2019 - Nightmare on Commissioners Road

It's been a ridiculous week (some would say "shit-show") at the Greeson residence and its environs. We were just getting ready for bed on Wednesday at the pathetic hour of 7:30 pm, when the phone rang. It was the emergency department at University Hospital. Seems our younger son Vincent had been involved in an altercation with his room-mate, David, and had sustained severe facial and scalp lacerations. We got to Emerg and found Vincent surrounded by about 15 staff. The duty nurse had us wait in a counselling room while the team did their work. Vincent was a mess! He and David had been having a stupid argument about whose turn it was to do the dishes, and David had smacked him. Can't say we blame him for the sentiment (though Vin's actually great these days). Unfortunately, David had been holding a heavy ceramic coffee mug at the time. The mug shattered, and opened up the side of Vincent's face, as well as a major scalp artery, which spurted blood everywher...