5 March 2018

Nick's doing much better. Think they'll continue at-home IV hydration for a few more days, as it seems to make Nick feel a lot better. What a difference compared with Nick's admission day a week ago, though. Perhaps it's too early to tell, but it seems like the treatment's doing something (beyond wiping him out). He can't really walk around that much yet, but at least the nausea is under control. However, lounging around watching Alien movies at home is not a bad way to spend the day.

On another note, it's been a year since we got word that my mom's husband, my lovin' stepdad Michael Poitevin, passed away (he passed on March 4th 2017). What  a five-finger death punch that was. He got us through a lot of the tough times during Nick's 2013-2015 treatments, calling at least weekly and always cheering us up with his mantra of cheerful sentiment and raunchy jokes.  He was one-of-a-kind, an unparalleled raconteur, a man with a fine sense of humour, a positive outlook in spite of all his struggles,  an "anti-Grinch" heart - 3 sizes bigger than most people's (right up there with Suzie F.'s!). Well, it's been a year, and I guess we can can say that, though we'll always miss Michael, what a blessing it's been to have had such a person in our lives. We partied with him all over the globe and had great adventures. Many of the more improbable and off-colour anectdotes I tell my students to get them through the more purgatorial stretches of physics and math are about Michael. Hope I end up wherever he is now!  


  1. Thanks for posting this update Matt. We are all worried sick and feel helpless in some ways. I keep praying like crazy. I think he will be okay. This struggle for you guys breaks my heart though. I hate the suffering you guys and Nick has gone through. You guys are the best.. SO much love to you and Nick and Tanja and Vinnie. AZ

    Especially what Nick has gone through.. I should add.


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