6th April, 2018

Good news at Nick's follow-up this afternoon! Nick's beta-carotene blood markers are way down. He'd been at about 90,000 just before the start of chemo. This had dropped to about 32,000 after cycle #1. As of today, the disease is in full retreat, with the tumour markers at a mere 630 or so. All other blood work is solid, so Nick's got a green light to proceed with cycle #3 on Monday. They'll do a CT scan after this round, just to see what visible tumours remain. If all looks good, Nick could be done treatment after cycle #4, in about 6-8 weeks, which in turn means that we'd be able to return to work and get back to normal life. 


  1. Thank God.. not over but sure seems like things are gonna be. I hope so for you and Tanja and especially Nick.. Enough is enough! Thank God Matt... Love you guys


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