28th September, 2018

Nick's had a very peaceful past couple of days. We've been so grateful that had been given a double room all to himself on the 7th floor. We owe the nurses on duty big time, as we tended to be loud as the evenings wore on, and beverages were consumed.

Oncology eventually needed to take C7-401 back for people needing treatment, so Nick's now in the palliative ward, C6-201. It's a double, semi-private room, all to ourselves, just like C7-401. We have a fresh crew of nurses to piss off with our antics!

We've had some beautiful times at Nick's side. His friends have been telling us stories that reveal sides of Nick's personality that we've never known, and confirming the strength of his character we've certainly known.

I seem to recall Nick being told about five years ago about a little girl, a friend of a friend, who was facing a particularly grim ordeal with cancer. Nick's plan was to visit her, but we never did learn of the outcome. Two nights ago, this girl's older sister Rebecca showed up with crocheted hats for us, and told us that her little sister is doing fine, following a brutal five year ordeal. Rebecca's a tiny girl with a barely audible voice, but with a powerful and compelling charisma. Her mission is to crochet things to bring comfort to young people going through cancer hell. Wow.

We've been blessed with some fine music in Nick's room. Nick's friend and band-mate Craig played his guitar last night, and my friend Paul's sons Patrick and Michael have given some great (Bach) cello and fiddle recitals. Nick's uncle John has sent us his latest violin recording.

Patrick Playing Cello

Kieran's Terry Fox Speech


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