11th January 2019

First, fire up this video as you read today's entry!

We could not face Christmas at home this year, so we rented a cottage for a couple of weeks near Lion's head. Nick had wanted some of his ashes scatted on the Bruce Peninsula, so we saw an opportunity to comply with his wishes.

We did not really do a whole lot at this huge cottage (which was way cheaper to rent during the off season).  For the first week, we'd go hiking on the Bruce Trail for a few hours, come back, have a beer in the hot tub, eat, drink wine and pass out.

Vincent, Tanja's mom Marian and her brothers Quentin and Andrea arrived on Christmas eve, and though we were all much too shell-shocked by recent events to party or even say much, it was comforting to be together for Christmas anyway. 

On Boxing Day, Marian, Quentin and Andre left, but then we were joined on the 27th by Alex, and Nick's best friend Nick Warner. Warner arrived with a whole 5 gallon pail of wine! Ah, ch! (as our Nick would say.)

The rest of our time at the cottage was somewhat of a blur (though we didn't quite finish all the wine). We hiked to Storm Haven, a back-country camp site that our family would hike to at least once per summer, many times with Nick W. Bruce Peninsula National Park has in recent years become so over-run with Toronto folks that the getting a camp site is harder than buying U2 tickets, and parking permits only run for 4 hours at a time. The park's most spectacular highlight, The Grotto, is now just about indistinguishable from Oregon's great attraction, Sea Lion Caves:

The Grotto, Bruce Peninsula National Park

Sea Lion Caves, Oregon

Can you tell the difference? Thought not.

Storm Haven, where we scattered some more of Nick's ashes. 

This is a great spot for jumping into the freezing water, and for hanging out reading our books. It's our go-to spot, and the weather was actually warm and pleasant when we hiked out.


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