August 10th, 2018

Nick's getting his last radiation treatment now, and has just finished up with Dr. Potvin. We discussed a lot of things, but the most important points are these:

1. She's still waiting results from the tissue sequencing. If this reveals a "useful" driver mutation, then Nick may be eligible to receive a targeted therapy.

2. Regardless, there's some chance that the current active cancer has only been in the brain (but not the thorax) , and tumour markers may then normalize after radiation.

3. A thoracic CT scan will be ordered soon, just to see if the lungs are indeed clear.

4. Dr. Rouzada (hematologist) is being consulted for advice on the blood clot situation, since Nick had to go off Fragmin. Maybe an oral blood thinner will be prescribed. 

5. There are a few "regular" chemo options that Nick can get if needed: the best one is given in hospital in one shot, over 12 hours. They'd do it when Nick comes home on the weekend. It's minimally nauseating but highly effective.

5. Dr. Potvin is writing up a note for Humber letting them know of Nick's recent dyslexia, which may be due to the brain lesions, to the seizure episodes, to concussion sustained during these episodes, to the heavy anti-seizure medications 
or to intracranial swelling caused by radiation. Presumably Humber can make accommodations to help Nick absorb  information until the dyslexia resolves itself. 



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