19th September, 2018

It was a bad day for Nick on Monday. He had to leave class with a bad headache and significant visual distortion. This subsided a bit as the afternoon wore on, but early in the evening, he coughed up a frightening amount of blood. At this point he got in touch with us, and decided to head home yesterday to London to be examined by Dr. Potvin, his principal medical oncologist. 

Nick's fiance Alex reported that he was kind of "stumbling around" upon arrival in London, and his attempt to play guitar when he got home did not go well, with Nick reporting a significant impairment in fine motor function.  He'll be attending her clinic today, and will be sent for a chest X-ray and bloodwork. More later. 

...Later (4:41 pm).

Nick and Alex got back from the Cancer Centre. He'll be starting back in treatment tomorrow morning, as his tumour markers are at about 30,000. A head MRI will be ordered for tomorrow. I think he'll have to drop out of his program at Humber. I think Tanja and I will have to go on leave again. When will we ge
t a break?

This will all be over in a few weeks if the chemo doesn't work. 


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