15th February 2020

On February 12, Tanja and I were privileged to present an up-an-coming (and very appreciative) young funeral director with our first payout of the Nicholas Greeson Memorial Scholarship. We'd established this last year with the aim of helping Funeral Directing students whose young lives have been disrupted by health issues. This year's recipient is C. Wicks, who is every bit as nice as she looks, and we're overjoyed to have helped her out in some small way. When Nick announced his intention to go in Funeral Directing, Tanja's reaction was "Gad Nicholas, how morbid!", while mine was "Badass!". But the reality is that people who make this their careers are incredible, compassionate people whose main aim is help families though horrendous, tragic circumstances. Well, mostly...   ...Cree told us of one Humber student who got fired from her internship by posting disrespectful photos and video clips from inside the embalming room. I asked her, "Let me guess, her FB user name is 'Morticia', right?" And it was! Perhaps movie makeup would be a more suitable career for her.

Morticia at humber college funeral director 
Once again, we're soliciting pledges to keep Nick's scholarship going . As we did last year, we'll kick in $500, and our goal is once again to have private donations top this up to $1000, which is the minimum scholarship amount. We're fairly sure Humber will give tax receipts to donations over $20. The donation link is here: 


Thanks in advance!

At the moment, we're in the process of planning two more events. 

1. May 9th - we're having a Smoker Party at our house in honour of Nick's 25th birthday. This a continuation of a long-time tradition of our friends the Scotts. 

2. October 3rd @ Eastside Bar and Grill from 1-6 pm: Great Balls of Fire 2020.

Stay tuned for more details about these events. 

We're looking for volunteers to have their heads shaved at both of these events. The cause is Shave For The Brave, raising money for Young Adult Cancer Canada (YACC). If you're into helping raise money for this worthwhile cause by getting your head shaved, please contact us either on Facebook, or by email: mgreeson@hotmail.com or  t.zientara@tvdsb.ca.


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